Thursday, 21 November 2019


Among the hills and mountains of Britain, sometimes in the most unexpected places, it's not uncommon to discover a cairn, a pile of stones built as a commemoration of reaching the top or just being there. Some are large and many years old, others small and much more recent but all have been built from little things, rocks light enough to carry and add to what others have started.

Most rocks seem insignificant. Of course occasionally you'll find one of beauty, an odd shape or distinguished colour, but on the whole they're rocks which are ignored and passed over; unless you trip over one it doesn't much affect your life. However, pile many of them together and you build something significant, each one adding to the effect.

 Every time we greet a person, say hello or smile at them, we're adding to their cairn. We're putting a rock on their self respect, acknowledging them as a being like ourselves, made in the image of God and worthy of respect. Even a small gesture  can build towards something bigger.