Message from the carol service I went to last week: how could the awesome, all-powerful God possibly descend to earth to
live among humans in order to carry out his rescue plan without
terrifying us all to death?
His beautifully simple solution:
be born as a baby in humble surroundings, grow up in an ordinary family
and die to be Saviour of the world.
Message from the Guidelines Bible study notes I'm reading at the moment: John 1:1-18 - God enters into our lives. The Light didn't just shine down on us from above but moved into our darkness. Jesus didn't come to earth to stand on the sidelines and observe, he moves alongside us and gets his feet dirty.
Living in a place bordered by magnificent mountains, where the handiwork of God can be appreciated in so many awesome ways, is a privilege. It's easier to appreciate his power here perhaps than when insulated by bricks and mortar, concrete and skyscrapers. We hide behind human constructions and drown out God whether he's communicating in the still small voice or in the roar of his majesty, but the tallest skyscraper pales in comparison with the smallest creature God has made. Humans are creative beings but that's only because we're made in the image of the Supreme Creator. Take time to go outside, whether you're huddled up to face the snow or coolly dressed for the heat. Look up. Look down. Consider the heavens. Consider the earth in wonder and ask "What is man that you are mindful of him?" (Psalm 8). Then look at the stable in Bethlehem and be amazed.
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