We need to play life by ear, feeling the notes, sensing them and following the melody, God's melody; not expecting to have everything scored for us to follow dogmatically. We need to be living in his key, matching our pitch to his.
Instead, most of the time, we're singing and playing out of tune.
It's all there in Genesis but the same story is played out through the centuries. The cast changes but the characters and plots remain the same.
The amazing song of creation with its intricately twirling harmonies, resonating base notes and sublime beauty has been rendered discordant by the grasping behaviour of humanity. Instead of rejoicing in relationship, with God, with each other, with all living creatures, we have broken strings, blocked pipes and crashed chords. We look for what we can get, and take it if it's not offered, instead of freely and generously enjoying the relationships we were created to have.
The only way to break the cycle, to bring the choir and orchestra back together under its conductor, is to keep our eyes on Jesus. He's the only one able truly to reconcile the seemingly disparate, the conductor who can hold all different instruments in harmony.
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