Delightful is not a word often associated with ten inmates of a maximum security prison but this week it was definitely appropriate.
I've been facilitating a basic guitar class in Drakenstein Maximum for a couple of years now. Kind people have donated enough guitars for six men to take part at a time but there are always more who want to learn than can be accommodated. A guitar is a wonderful instrument but isn't cheap and the inmates can't take it back to their rooms to practise - all donated Maximum guitars are kept under supervision by the officer in charge of "life skills" classes.
I've seen the joy that comes from being able to make music, the sense of achievement when a man who has often been told that he's worthless or stupid is able to change chords smoothly and accompany others to the end of a song. Anything wholesome that offers an outlet for emotion, that helps develop a sense of self and hope in the ability to change is worth providing. In South Africa, what used to be prisons are now called correctional centres. Music can play a big part in helping the men who go in as criminals come out as men with a better chance to live different lives as changed people.
I wanted to provide more men with the opportunity to learn an instrument which they could carry around with them and practise. It had to be simple, inexpensive, fairly indestructible, portable and difficult to convert into a weapon.
Enter the ocarina.
I've never seen as many smiles on the faces of inmates or passing officials in Maximum as I did during our first ocarina lesson. Surprise, joy and a sense of achievement were the predominant emotions as each man discovered that even he could produce a nice sound and different notes. They're concentrating on mastering the lower notes to start with - less chance of annoying others with excruciating squeaks - so the room murmured as if a parliament of owls was in session. When they moved on to simple tunes it was as if the sun was shining from that classroom.
The image of tattooed men in orange uniforms playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on green and blue plastic ocarinas with such a sense of achievement and happiness will stay with me for a long time.
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